Wireless Home Automation using IOT. The process of controlling or operating various home appliances . fan, tv ac, bulb motor pump etc control with mobile phone and web server, google assistant , alexa
One touch of a button that turns all lighting for a given room on/off; not just one light.
Home Automation
1. mobile app
2. web server
3. google assistant
4. alexa
5. switch
company provide
• Our customers: –
Dealers who install home automation system for end home users.
– Help dealer to monitor, manager, debug system remotely.
– Help dealer provide push notification based cloud home automation solution for end customers
• Partner with hardware vendors
– Partnership with Universal Remote Control(one of the major Home automation system vendor)
– Start with URC. Have 400 URC dealers as beta customers. Expect to reach t housands of URC dealers within few months.
– Dealer can sell cloud home monitor and control service to customers.
• Expand to other home automation system vendors
– Dealers normally use more than one vendors.
– Once dealer like to use our platform. They want to have our module on other vendor’s system too.
– We provide open API for other hardware vendors to add support for our cloud easily

We provide cloud platform for users to program home automation rules in the cloud.
•Partner with hardware vendors. We provide open API(Rest,Websoket, MQTT) for smart home device to integrate with our cloud platform easily.
• Provide mobile app for users to control homes using reactive push notification. – No need to find app, open app, find button and click! – Just one swipe to push notification! Milestone and Cu

• Smart home has huge potential. Big market. •
Our unique programmable smart home cloud platform has been proven by 300 dealers and 600 monitored homes.
• We have team with deep industry domain knowledge. We have both strong marketing and technology background. Both have entrepreneur experiences
• Have existing channel to reach customers. Has clear marketing strategy to reach more customers.